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Meal Plan (June 18)
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Curriculum overview @ Penn Engineering
Electrical Engineering || Computer Engineering || Systems || Mechanical Engineering || Bioengineering || NETS || Computer Science || Chemical & Biomolecular || Material Science || Digital Media Design
Penn does not use a first come first serve basis for registering/choosing classes. Instead, you rank your desired courses during the Advance Registration period by the Advance Registration deadline. After this, Penn will put you in your classes based on your rankings. A few weeks after Advance Registration is over, your schedule will be released on PennInTouch. At this point, you are officially registered for the courses you see on your schedule. You may not get all the courses you want, however. So after this, there will be an Add/Drop time period where you can add courses you did not get into once they open up, or you can drop courses you decide you no longer want to be registered in. (Advance Registration ends mid-July)