Our board proudly represents all departments at Penn Engineering, which grants us a unique opportunity to provide insight into bettering all the different aspects and majors Penn Engineering has to offer — scroll down to see our board! If you’re interested in joining, we’d love to have you swing back around in September 2025 when applications open up.

Phillip Delikouras

Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Year: 2026
Contact: pdeli@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Phil Delikouras is a third-year from Bethesda, MD studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, interested in pursuing a career in biotech and pharmaceuticals. Outside of EDAB, Phil loves playing pick up basketball, traveling, and drinking black coffee. His favorite meal of the day is lunch and is a member of the Penn Men's Rugby Team.

Sam Wang


Major: Artificial Intelligence
Year: 2027
Contact: swang27@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Sam Wang (SEAS '27) is a second year from Fort Washington, PA studying Artificial Intelligence. In addition to EDAB, he also is a member of Penn Engineering Council and researches at GRASP lab. In his free time, he enjoys rooting for the Minnesota Vikings, playing basketball, and cooking.

Emily Valerio
VP Internal

Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Year: 2027
Contact: emval@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Emily Valerio (SEAS '27) is a sophomore from Houston, Texas studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Emily is involved in bioengineering research and volunteer music tutoring. In her free time, she enjoys exploring Philly's food scene, baking, and collecting vintage books.

Jackie Vogel
Chair of Admin/Finance

Major: Computer Science
Year: 2028
Contact: javogel@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Jackie Vogel (SEAS '28) is a first-year from Chicago, Illinois studying Computer Science. In addition to EDAB, Jackie is involved in Arts House Dance Company and ProductSpace@Penn. In her free time, she enjoys going to concerts, trying new coffee spots, and studying in WilCaf.

Haris Chatzistamatiou
Chair of Media/Design

Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Year: 2028
Contact: chharis@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Haris is a freshman from Athens, Greece studying Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and interested in pharmaceuticals and consulting. Outside of EDAB, Haris loves playing the New York Times games, hanging out with friends, and exploring the city on foot. She is also involved in Penn Unicef.

Nathan Chen

Major: Computer and Information Science, Statistics
Year: 2025
Contact: njchen@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Nathan Chen (SEAS ‘25, WH'25) is a fourth-year student from Auckland, New Zealand, and is pursuing a dual degree in Computer Science and Statistics. In addition to being a member of EDAB, Nathan is a TA for CIS 1600 and is involved in PIT@Penn, the Assembly of International Students and Wharton Asia Exchange. In his free time, you’ll find him exploring Philly, binging on Asian food, or rewatching episodes of Peaky Blinders.

Divya Krishnan

Major: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Year: 2025
Contact: divya01@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Divya Krishnan (SEAS ’25) is a fourth-year MEAM student from Basking Ridge, New Jersey. In addition to EDAB, Divya is involved in Penn Venture Group on the Consulting Team, and Indian Classical Dance. During her free time, you can find her wandering around Center City, re-watching TV shows on 1.5X, and overeating Insomnia.

Lauren Velegol

Major: Computer and Information Science
Year: 2025
Contact: lvelegol@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Lauren Velegol (SEAS ‘25, WH ‘25) is a fourth-year from State College, PA pursuing a dual degree in Computer Information Science and Finance. Besides EDAB, Lauren is a head TA for CIS 1200 and is an avid Philly marathon/half marathoner. In her free time, she likes listening to music, finding cool study spots with friends, and trying different bagel places around Philly!

Jonathan Wu

Major: Systems Science and Engineering
Year: 2025
Contact: jonawu@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Jonathan Wu (SEAS '25) is a fourth-year from Baton Rouge, Louisiana studying Systems Science & Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Jonathan is involved in Wharton Analytics Fellows, Global Research & Consulting, and MUSE Case Team. In his free time, he can be found collecting panda merchandise and attempting to accomplish his goal of trying every country's cuisine.

Tapiwa Chikwanda

Major: Computer and Information Science
Year: 2026
Contact: tapiwa@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Tapiwa Chikwanda (SEAS '26) is a third-year Computer Science major from Johannesburg, South Africa. Alongside EDAB, Tapiwa is involved in the Southern African Students Association, Penn's Jazz Combos, and the teaching assistant staff of CIS 1200. In his free time he can be found skipping workouts, frequenting dining halls, and cracking convoluted jokes with friends.

Alexandra Oh

Major: Artificial Intelligence
Year: 2026
Contact: alexoh@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Alex Oh (SEAS ‘26) is a third-year Artificial Intelligence major born and raised in NYC. She holds dual citizenship in 2 of the 4 quad boards as a member of both EDAB and PEC (Penn Engineering Council). She is a TA for CIS 160 and a board member for the Society of Women Engineers. Alexandra is passionate about anything music-related and in her free time she teaches and works with a nonprofit focused on providing equitable access tutoring and mentorship in NYC.

Rohan Panday

Major: Electrical Engineering
Year: 2026
Contact: rpanday@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Rohan Panday is a Junior and Accelerated Master’s student in Electrical Engineering from Singapore. Outside of EDAB, he leads the hardware team for Penn Electric Racing and does power electronics research. Outside of engineering, he enjoys cooking, watching sitcoms, and singing.

Kayla Simpson

Major: Computer and Information Science
Year: 2026
Contact: ksimpsn@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Kayla is a third year studying Computer and Information Science, Cognitive Science, and Linguistics. Outside of EDAB, Kayla is a CIS 1200 TA and a member of Hack4Impact. She loves to learn new things and share her passions with others. In her free time, Kayla likes to play intramural volleyball, take long walks into the city, collect records, read on the beach, and play co-op videogames.

Aditya Sirohi

Major: Computer and Information Science
Year: 2026
Contact: asirohi@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Aditya Sirohi (SEAS ’26) is a third-year from Malvern, PA studying Computer Science with minors in Math and Engineering Entrepreneurship . Beyond EDAB, Aditya is involved in Wharton Undergraduate Venture Group and the corporate relations committee at WUCC. In his free time, Aditya enjoys playing basketball, running, and exploring restaurants in Philadelphia.

Clarice Wang

Major: Computer and Information Science
Year: 2026
Contact: clarice7@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Clarice Wang (SEAS '26) is a third-year from the California Bay Area/Greater Seattle Area, studying Computer Science. In addition to EDAB, Clarice is involved in WAF, The Daily Pennsylvanian Crosswords, and the Penn Data Science Group. In her free time, she can be found playing guitar, making crosswords, or doing all the NYTimes mini games.

Laya Yalamanchili

Major: Computer and Information Science, Finance
Year: 2026
Contact: layay@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Laya Yalamanchili (M&T '26) is a third-year from Austin, Texas studying Computer Science and Finance. Laya is involved in many activities outside of EDAB including Wharton Women, Penn Women's Rugby, Machine Learning Research at Penn, MTIF, and more. She loves reading, hoarding digitally on Pinterest, cooking, and lifting.

Joe Kojima

Major: Bioengineering
Year: 2027
Contact: joekoji@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Joe Kojima (SEAS '27) is a first year from Tokyo, Japan studying Bioengineering. In addition to EDAB, Joe is involved in Assistive Devices and Prosthetic Technologies Club (ADAPT) and Club Tennis. He is recognizable for his premature gray hairs and can be often found skateboarding down Locust Walk.

Penelope Larkin

Major: Computer and Information Science, Finance
Year: 2027
Contact: plarkin@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Penelope Larkin (M&T '27) is a second-year from New York City studying Computer Science and Finance. Outside of EDAB Penelope is part of Soundworks Tap Factory and is a Teaching Assistant for CIS 1200. She loves skiing, the color pink, and gluten free pancakes.

Dillon Malkani

Major: Systems Science and Engineering
Year: 2027
Contact: dmalkani@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Dillon Malkani (SEAS ‘27) is a second-year from Bethesda, MD studying Systems Science and Engineering. Outside of EDAB, Dillon plays for Penn’s Club Tennis Team and is a member of the Penn Sports Analytics Club. In his free time, Dillon likes to play golf, listen to music (any and all genres), and hang out with friends.

Karina Gupta

Major: Artificial Intelligence
Year: 2028
Contact: kgupta10@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Karina Gupta (SEAS ’28) is a first-year student from Cherry Hill, New Jersey studying Artificial Intelligence. Outside of EDAB, Karina is involved with 180 Degrees Consulting and Product Space at Penn. During her free time, she enjoys trying new restaurants, thrifting and going on runs around Philly!

Megan Mann

Major: Computer and Information Science
Year: 2028
Contact: mannmeg@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Megan Mann (SEAS '28) is a first year from State College, Pennsylvania studying Computer Science. In addition to EDAB, Megan is a TA for CIS 1600. In her free time, she enjoys reading sci-fi, playing board and card games, and trying new restaurants!

Maxim Veksler

Major: Electrical Engineering
Year: 2028
Contact: mveksler@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Maxim Veksler (SEAS '28) is a first-year from Cherry Hill, New Jersey studying Electrical Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Max is a part of Penn Electric Racing and Penn Architechs. In his free time, you can find him listening to Drake or eating at McClelland.