EDAB seeks to enhance the undergraduate experience by acting as the liaison between the Penn Engineering students, faculty, and administration.


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johnathan chen

Major: Electrical Engineering
Year: 2019
Contact: chenjoh@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Johnathan D. Chen (SEAS ’19, W’ 19) serves as President of EDAB and studies Electrical Engineering and Business. You can usually find him around school taking photos of campus or hunting for a new food truck.

Nick Stiansen

Nick Stiansen

Major: Bioengineering
Year: 2018
Contact: nsti@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Nicholas Stiansen (SEAS ’18) is a senior from Saratoga Springs, New York and is studying Bioengineering. In addition to EDAB, Nicholas is the Vice President of Marketing for Biomedical Engineering Society and a member of Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity. In his free time, he enjoys binge watching House of Cards and continuing his quest to find the best Philly Cheesesteak.

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arvind raju

Major: Computer Science
Year: 2018
Contact: rajua@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Arvind Raju (SEAS ’18, W’18) is a senior from Orlando, Florida and is studying Computer Science in SEAS and Finance and Management in Wharton. In addition to EDAB, Arvind is a member of the Pennvention Committee of the Weiss Tech House and is a brother of the Phi Gamma Nu business fraternity. In his free time, he enjoys Netflixing, playing Super Smash Bros, and drawing (very poorly).

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Marc Geagea

Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Year: 2019
Contact: mgeagea@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Marc Geagea (SEAS ’19) is a junior from the Bay Area, California currently pursuing a degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Marc is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. In his free time, he enjoys traveling and watching Manchester United.

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daphne cheung

Major: Bioengineering
Year: 2019
Contact: chdaphne@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Daphne Cheung (SEAS ’19) is a junior from Vancouver, Canada pursuing a major in bioengineering. In addition to EDAB, Daphne is the founder of UnEarthed publication on campus, and is involved with neuroblastoma research at CHOP. In her free time, she enjoys travelling and trying new foods.

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Ashwin Kishen

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2019
Contact: akishen@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Ashwin Kishen (SEAS ’19) is a junior from Scotch Plains, New Jersey and is studying Mechanical Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Ashwin is a member of Penn Enactus and Engineers Without Borders. In his free time, he enjoys reading the news, building quadcopters, and eating chocolate.

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Vijay ramanujan

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2020
Contact: rvijay@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Vijay Ramanujan (SEAS ’20, W '20) is a sophomore from Singapore, studying Mechanical Engineering and Finance. In addition to EDAB, Vijay is a member of the Penn Debate Society, MUSE Consulting, and the Philomathean Society. In his free time, he enjoys binge watching movies and television shows.


eddie hammond

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: 2020
Contact: edmundh@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Eddie is a sophomore from London, UK, and is studying Mechanical Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Eddie is the Managing Partner of The MindBank and Vice President of Professional Development in the SEAS Council. In his free time, he enjoys photography and any activity involving the Ocean.

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curie shim

Major: Systems Science and Engineering
Year: 2020
Bio: Curie Shim (SEAS'20) is a sophomore from Winston-Salem, NC pursuing a degree in Systems Science and Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Curie is a research assistant at the Cultural Evolution of Language Lab, Constituent Affairs Chair of the Penn Association for Gender Equity, and a member of the University-Wide Committee for Diversity and Equity. In her free time, she enjoys thrifting and cooking with copious amounts of garlic.

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archit dhar

Major: Systems Engineering
Year: 2021
Contact: architd@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Archit is a freshman from Naperville, IL, and is pursuing a degree in Systems Engineering. In addition to EDAB, Archit is a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee, Penn Public Policy Initiative, and MUSE Social Impact Consulting. In his free time, you can catch him at WQHS blasting his favorite rap music on the radio or planning to go to Pottruck tomorrow - or at least by the end of the semester.

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beni shafer-sull

Major: Undeclared
Year: 2021
Contact: bshafer@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Beni Shafer-Sull (SEAS ’21) is a freshman from New York, NY. He intends to pursue a degree in either Mechanical Engineering or Bioengineering. In addition to EDAB, Beni is a member of the Operations Team for Penn Electric Racing and is working to start his own clean energy company. In his free time, Beni enjoys photography, finding good food, and watching and playing baseball.

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eric liu

Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Year: 2021
Bio: Eric Liu (SEAS ’21) is a freshman from West Windsor, New Jersey pursuing a major in CBE. In addition to EDAB, Eric is a Rachleff Research Scholar, member of Penn BioTech Society, and part of Science Olympiad @UPenn. In his free time, he enjoys playing the ukulele, going on walks along Schuylkill River, and power napping.

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santoshi kandula

Major: Bioengineering
Year: 2021
Contact: santoshi@seas.upenn.edu
Bio: Santoshi Kandula (SEAS '21) is a freshman from Newark, Delaware and is studying Bioengineering. In addition to EDAB, Santoshi is a part of Engineers Without Borders, the Political Committee of South Asia Society, and research at Perelman. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, drawing, and dancing.